They float, they glisten, they inspire wonder, and their explosion on your nose leaves a fresh sheen of sweetness behind. Yep, they’re bubbles, and in Deni Yang’s Gazillion Bubble Show: The Next Generation, he wields them to create the best anger management course for adults and fantasy playland for kids that you can find. Using special cylinders in various shapes and sizes, bubble solution and a water-based fog, Deni (one of the four Yang family members that perform this show) keeps the kiddies jumping out of their seats and the adults looking around furtively, embarrassed that they’re having such a good time. Bubbles aren’t just for the wee ones anymore, and the show gives you plenty of reasons why.
With a monitor set up on either side of the stage, Gazillion Bubble Show: The Next Generation not only hypes the tots up for what’s to come, but also educates you on the scientific and holistic aspects of bubbles. The children may not care about those things at this point, but if you any questions surface later, you’ll have the answers. The production also gives you a good reason to revisit a time when things were simple, magical and carefree, and provides wholesome fun for the whole family.
Still not convinced that this is grown-up fun?
Against the backdrop of rainbow-ornamented trees, Deni pauses the bubbles for a dazzling laser FX show that will remind you of being in a nightclub, minus the booze and cigarette smoke. And although this segment will feel like an added attraction for the more mature, it’s a smart, imaginative move that makes Gazillion a well-rounded show.
Is Deni Yang a magician? Yes! With the swift movement of his hand, he astounds the audience with bubbles that are shaped like volcanoes, jellyfish, clouds and much more. There’s even an interactive element to the show for those Kodak moments that many of us savor. It’s easy to see why Deni’s family currently holds the Guinness Record for the largest bubble. Their passion and commitment for what is clearly their calling in life is undeniable. In a voiceover, Deni says “All I ever wanted to do is make people happy.” Now I can’t think of a better mission statement than that.
cindypierre @ stageandcinema.com
open run at time of publication
for tickets, visit http://www.gazillionbubbleshow.com