Directed by Phil Morrison (of the 2005 indie hit Junebug), Almost Christmas stars Paul Giamatti and Paul Rudd as two former small-time Canadian thieves Dennis and Rene, who take a truck full of Christmas trees to New York City with hopes of selling them and making some much needed cash. Mr. Morrison’s gentle direction infuses this innocuous, offbeat dramatic comedy with human warmth. And although fans of Mr. Rudd might be less than satisfied with how little the actor is given to do, Mr. Giamatti’s admirers should find his sincere and understated performance delightful. Melissa James Gibson’s script boasts engaging, believable characters and a story that mostly holds water. And if one can ignore a few eye-rolling moments, a few screenwriting sleights-of-hand, as well as an ending that borders on the ludicrous; and if one is in the mood for a subdued, “independent” comedy-drama without too much comedy or drama, then Almost Christmas might be just the ticket.
photos © Courtesy of Tribeca Film Festival
Almost Christmas
Sidney Kimmel Entertainment, GreeneStreet Films, and Hanway Films present a Touchy Feely Films production
USA – 2013 – Color – 93 min.
World Premiere at Tribeca Film Festival
for screening times visit: