Tour Preview: DAVID SEDARIS (Royce Hall at UCLA)

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by Frank Arthur on June 20, 2017

in Theater-Los Angeles,Tours


For those  unfamiliar with David Sedaris’ work, he is a prolific writer, mostly of satire and non-fiction. Many of his stories revolve around his personal life and family, though–as with any great writer, and by his own admission–he does tend to embellish. His latest book, however, is a departure from his collections of essays: Theft by Finding is a curated collection of diary entries that he has compiled over decades. Like much of his work, the stories range  from serious to comedic, poignant to ridiculous.  While he is on his latest tour to promote the book, know that his evenings are always a glorious grab bag of stories. And they always sell out. So jump to if you want to see him in Los Angeles at UCLA’s Royce Hall on Wednesday June 28 at 8.

photo by  Ingrid Christie

An Evening with David Sedaris
Royce Hall at UCLA
Wednesday June 28, 2017 at 8
for tickets, call  310-825-2101 or visit CAP UCLA
for tour dates and cities, visit David Sedaris

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