Games have become an important part of our day to day lives. With the advancement of technology, you can now play casino games that offer a £5 no deposit bonus. Although developing a game is easy these days, but it is not enough for your game to be successful in the market. Marketing of the game is critical to get right, and it can be really difficult to nail down for many developers. Here are some of the best ways to promote your game.
Website and blog
Website and blogs can play an important role in promoting your game. Create your own website containing all the information about your games, so that players can get info about every detail of the game. It is always better to include as much information as you can. You must include the trailer, description of the game, gaming requirements, press kit, available platforms and support details. SEO can not only help players in finding your games easily, but good SEO practices can improve the user experience and usability of your website. As SEO is good for the social promotion of your website, you must pay special attention to it.
You must also blog about the special features and new updates of your game. You can write about the development process of the game, bugs you encountered while developing it, the pros and cons of being a game developer, and some funny stories. As social media audiences are more receptive to blog posts than they are for ads or sales pages, blogging will help you to reach a wider audience. Blogs will also give you a non-sales way to promote and market your games.
Game portals
Monetisation is a major concern while using game portals. Promoting your game across free portals can be effective if you want to implement in-app purchases. There are many different websites available on the internet that can help you with the publication of your game. Portals with their own API will allow you to authorise users and process their in-app purchases. Free portals promote traffic to your website. However, only the best portals will generate revenues from in-app purchases or advertisements. If you have a limited budget and less time, these free portals can act as a perfect tool in promoting your game.
Many developers now use YouTube to promote their games. You must make screen-recorded videos of the game. These videos give an essential look into your graphics and the feel of the game. If you have made a promotional video of your game, you can promote it through paid advertising on YouTube. Try to become a part of popular playlists on YouTube that have a list of such game videos and run in-game offers to encourage players to post their online screen videos on YouTube. You can also release cheat sheets on your channel through specially made videos which demonstrates how to cheat. Approaching to influencers and popular YouTubers for the promotion of your game can also help you with this most crucial part of marketing.