Music Concerts: JUDY COLLINS & MARIZA (The Town Hall)

Post image for Music Concerts: JUDY COLLINS & MARIZA (The Town Hall)

by Tony Frankel on March 29, 2021

in Concerts / Events,Music,Theater-New York,Virtual

The Town Hall is pleased to announce two ENCORE streaming concert events: The great Judy Collins in a concert recreating her legendary 1964 concert at The Town Hall on April 16 and Mariza in a concert celebrating the release of her album Mariza sings Amália on April 9 (the album has ten Amália standards reinvented for the 21st century). Each of these terrific concerts will be available at 8pm ET each date and remain for 72 hours on The Town Hall website. Tickets are $30 per concert or $25 each if purchasing both concerts and tickets are currently on sale at The Town Hall. Each concert will be available at 8pm ET each date and remain for 72 hours on The Town Hall website.


The ENCORE presentation of Judy Collins’ concert will take place on April 16. She recreates her legendary 1964 New York City concert hall debut – which took place at The Town Hall. And after interviewing her three years ago, I discovered in the following concert that her voice sounds just like it used to — and she looks amazing, too!

A lover of songwriters and the issues they wrote about, Collins said, “What a time that was 1964. I was very nervous since my record company decided to record this concert and put it out as an album. I had just been to a Bob Dylan concert, heard the Lonesome Death of Hattie Carol, and knew I had to record it. It was such a tumultuous time in the world. The Vietnam war was just rolling along, breaking into thunder and lightning and anxiety and pain. People were burning their draft boards cards, trying to get to Canada and facing up to going to Vietnam where many of them would die.”

“Making this album and concert at The Town Hall – my very first solo appearance at one of the great concert stages in New York – was a relief and joyous event. It feels right to go back to the material and time period now with the knowledge and life lessons learned in 2020.” The concert that Collins performed at The Town Hall was recorded for a new vinyl album which will be released in the coming months.


The ENCORE presentation of Mariza’s concert will take place on April 9. Mariza pays tribute to Amália Rodrigues, the Queen of Fado, in a concert that was filmed in Lisbon, Portugal, exclusively for this concert. (The album, Mariza Sings Amália (on Nonesuch/Warner Bros Records).

There are no two voices like these. The late Amália Rodrigues sang her last concert at The Town Hall in 1994. Mariza helped to bring Fado into the 21st century. Two of the greatest and most influential stylists of Fado, the sound of Portugal.

Mariza  made her debut at The Town Hall in 2003, the year after she released her first album Fado em Mim. Fado’s history at The Town Hall stretches back to midcentury concerts with artists such as Maria Marques and of course, Amália’s legendary 1990 performance and recording at the Hall.

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