by Aveline MacQuoid on May 6, 2022

in Extras

The casino games most commonly featured in Hollywood movies

Hollywood and casinos have a long history. After all, casinos provide the perfect backdrop to fast-paced, high-adrenaline films. With their glamorous settings and high-stakes games, it’s no wonder Hollywood has had a long fascination with casinos.

Not to mention, there are countless films dedicated to casinos themselves. And we all love it to root for an underdog. So, movies like Rain Man and 21 have us on the edge of our seats, hoping that the ’˜little guy’ wins over the house.

But, there are some casino games that feature more heavily in films than others. And today, we’re going to take a look at casino games that commonly appear in Hollywood films. As well as tell you where you can try your hand at these games yourself.

So, let’s dive into the world of casinos and big Hollywood movies.


The game of blackjack features heavily in lots of Hollywood blockbusters. This is probably because most people in the world know, more or less, how to play blackjack. So that means that we’re all in from the beginning, when any Hollywood star sits down at the blackjack table.

Plus, James Bond was quite the fan of this game. And we often conjure up images of sophisticated players in high class casinos playing blackjack.

Just some of the films that feature the popular card game include Swingers, Croupier, Casino, The Hangover and The Gambler. And, because blackjack is a mix of luck and skill, it provides a great stage for a movie showdown.

If you want to try blackjack for yourself, it’s a popular game at all good online casinos. And, if you want to try real-money blackjack for free, then look out for a great no deposit deal.  Data HK  offers will give you a handful of bonus cash for free to take part in lottery games. So you don’t need to deposit at the casino to play.


Another game that appears in countless Hollywood movies is craps. If you don’t know what craps is, it’s a very simple dice game where you win or lose depending on the total of two dice.

Again, this game is synonymous with casino culture. Not to mention, its giant table with high walls, where people can gather around, provides a great setting for some tense movie action. Phrases like ’˜snake eyes’, ’˜easy way’ and ’˜up pops the Devil’ have made it into many blockbusters and are now used by people in everyday life.

You can find craps in many Silver Screen classics, such as The Cooler, Diamonds Are Forever, Hard Eight and A Bronx Tale. And one of the first films to feature craps was the 1955 classic, Guys and Dolls.

So, if you fancy yourself as a craps player, check out an online casino. You can play this game in video format. Or why not try live craps? Here you play with a real-life croupier. And it’s as close to the real thing as you can get, without visiting a land-based casino. Also, a fantastic casino no deposit bonus will let you try craps for free.


Instantly recognisable by its opulent wheel, roulette has been around for centuries. And it started to feature in Hollywood films just about the moment that someone made a film about casinos!

Roulette is 100% based on luck. And players try to predict where the ball will land in the giant wheel to win. While there are lots of different bets you can make in roulette, most Hollywood movies focus on the numbers and colours. And expressions like ’˜put it all on red’ come from this classic game.

In fact, there are probably too many films to name here that feature roulette. But some of our favourites include The Deer Hunter, Rounders, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and Indecent Proposal. But, with a quick Google search, you can probably find upwards of 100 movies that include this incredible game.

To see if you’re lucky at roulette, pick up a no deposit bonus at a top online casino. And, if you want help finding a no deposit casino, then Casino.xyz has a whole section dedicated to no deposit bonuses. So check them out.


While not as well recognised as other casino games, slot machines appear in many films too. But, because it’s usually a one-man game, slots don’t have quite the same appeal when it comes to nail-biting movie scenes.

That said, slots appear in lots of movies. Some of which you may not associate with casino gaming.

For example, Terminator 2 has a slot machine scene. And other movies where there’s someone playing a slot include Top Gun, King Kong and the Incredible Hulk.

Nowadays, online slots are some of the most popular games at any online casino. And that means that most casinos offer free spins no deposit UK bonuses. So that you can play slots for free.

So why not try out slots, and some of the other games listed here, and see if you become the next storyline in a Hollywood movie!

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