Directed by Jerome Elliott Moskowitz and written by Tony Padilla, Desert Ensemble Theatre presents an alternate version of the Sherlock Holmes origin story that’s witty, delightful and involving. 1890 London: Sherlock Holmes (Alex Price) is asked to solve a case for Scotland Yard by Inspector Leicester (Larry Dyekman). He finds this case is too much for him, so his flat mate Dr. Watson (Justin Ledesma) suggests enlisting the help of the flat owner, Mrs. Hudson (Barbara Kerr), who solves the case in a matter of days to protect the British Crown from embarrassment.
Justin Ledesma, Alex Price
A renter at Mrs. Hudson‘s flat, Miss Nora Tate (Katrina Dixon) is interested in Detective Holmes, and practically throws herself at him with the prospect of marriage, something Holmes is neither thinking about nor comfortable with. When he rejects Miss Tate, she inconspicuously leaves his flat to fetch poison to drug him. Holmes falls asleep from the drugged tea, and Miss Tate goes through the flat to look for any incriminating information about Holmes and Watson. She comes across a journal that Watson had been keeping about the cases Holmes solved, when in actuality, Mrs. Hudson solved them. Nora uses this information to seek revenge on Holmes for declining her proposal.
Alex Price, Justin Ledesma, Barbara Kerr
By coincidence, Professor Sanders (also Dyekman) drops by and accuses Watson of covering up Holmes’ ability to solve cases. Paranoid, Watson tries to bribe him with money, but the professor declines, only wanting Holmes and Watson to stop with the dishonesty. What exactly is going on with Holmes? More is revealed in Sherlock Holmes Confidential, but suffice to say that clues will be dropped and disclosures made. Whoever ends up solving the strange goings on does it in a true Sir Arthur Conan Doyle manner.
Alex Price, Justin Ledesma
Alex Price is quite terrific as Sherlock Holmes, inventing many nuances that are very entertaining. There are subtle gay undertones added to Sherlock and with all the pouting, hyper-focusing, and flitting about the stage, one would venture to assume Holmes has autistic and ADHD tendencies, maybe? Whatever the back story Price creates, he makes his Sherlock a very likable character. Justin Ledesma is keen as Dr. Watson, whether cheering on Holmes or keeping Professor Sanders on his toes during the confrontation scene. Larry Dyekman pulls double duty playing both Inspector Leicester and Professor Sanders. Both characters are key, and he brings them to life with aplomb.
Alex Price, Barbara Kerr, Justin Ledesma
Katrina Dixon’s cunning and strategizing Nora Tate is really fun to watch, and the way she throws herself at Sherlock is hysterical. Barbara Kerr plays homeowner Mrs. Hudson gracefully and with whip-smart comedic timing. The charades she uses to help Sherlock are extremely beguiling.
Katrina Dixon, Alex Price
Microphones aren’t used in this intimate space, so it’s recommended that actors consistently project, so we can hear every world of Padilla’s world premiere treat. Scene changes are slow, but Andrew Maclaine‘s costumes are astoundingly era-appropriate, with a really nice touch being little gears on both costumes and Thomas L. Valach‘s set — adding a touch of steampunk to a classic Victorian design.
The Cast of Sherlock Holmes Confidential at Desert Ensemble Theatre
photos by Tara Howard
Sherlock Holmes Confidential
Desert Ensemble Theatre
Camelot Theater in the Palm Springs Cultural Center
2300 East Baristo Road in Palm Springs
Fri at 7:30; Sat at 2 & 7:30; Sun at 2
end on April 21, 2024
for tickets ($37.50 plus online service fee), call 760.565.2476 or visit Desert Ensemble