A psychological thriller set in deep space, TOMB, which opens August 16 at Thymele Arts, finds Alithia (Dana Majeski) alone with Captain McKinley (Danny Manning) as they make their way towards planet Cerulean. However, Alithia has no memories of her past or how she got there. As she attempts to uncover the truth behind her journey, the two of them are beset with a strange illness. What’s more, Captain McKinley’s behavior has begun to get all the more erratic. Also with Audrey Kennedy. Written by Danny Manning. Directed by Zack Kozlow.
Tomb The Kansas Room, Thymele Arts, 5481 Santa Monica Blvd. in Hollywood August 16 at 7:15pm August 20 at 7:15pm August 28 at 4:00pm running time: 45 minutes | for age 13+ for tickets ($ 10.00), visit http://hff21.co/7161
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