Born to a wealthy Midwestern family, Howard Hawks arrived in Southern California around the same time that the movie industry did. With a relentless initiative and restless spirit, Hawks ensured his Hollywood career by quickly becoming a jack of all trades, taking on roles as screenwriter, producer and director by the end of the silent era. While setting up shop at virtually every major studio, Hawks developed a subtle, yet easily recognizable personal style, characterized by unsentimental, straightforward storytelling, unflashy character-focused camera setups, and the use of overlapping dialogue.
It was the versatility of this style that allowed him to work his way through virtually every genre over the course of his career, and that may be one reason he became – in the words of critic Leonard Maltin – “the greatest American director who is not a household name.” Unlike the king of the Westerns John Ford or the Master of Suspense Alfred Hitchcock, Hawks couldn’t be pigeonholed. Whether it’s comedy (HIS GIRL FRIDAY, GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES), adventure (ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS), noir (THE BIG SLEEP), Western (RED RIVER), romance (TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT) or science fiction (THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD), some of the greatest films in each genre bear his name.
Visit the Aero and Los Feliz 3 for career highlights from one of the most accomplished filmmakers of Hollywood’s Golden Age. Series also includes SCARFACE, BALL OF FIRE, TWENTIETH CENTURY, BRINGING UP BABY and MONKEY BUSINESS.
1328 Montana Ave Santa Monica, CA 90403
1822 N Vermont Ave Los Angeles, CA 90027