Feature: ROASTING WEENIES (Table once reserved by Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein goes up in flames)

Post image for Feature: ROASTING WEENIES (Table once reserved by Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein goes up in flames)

by Gregory Bernard on July 19, 2020

in Extras,Film


Zach Erdem, owner of 75 Main in Southampton, has set fire to the table once reserved by international pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. He was joined by patrons and waitstaff to douse the table in lighter fluid and incinerated the structure where these infamous sexual predators wined-and-dined. The table was broken up by an ax and a sledgehammer, and then set fire by the staff of 75 Main as local residents looked on, and customers toasted with champagne on the bonfire of the table.

”Our tables will now be free of the sleaze that was brought on by these sex abusers that used their money and power inappropriately. They were regulars at my establishment for years. On behalf of my patrons and staff by setting the table on fire, we will release the evil that was inflicted to countless girls and women. Burn baby, burn,” said Erdem.

It’s not like Erdem needed the publicity. People with money and power will continue dining appropriately at his restaurant as they have for years!

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